News feed, message board posts, and newsletter articles pertaining to the membership of Web Page One Designs and it's fellow networks.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Ezine July 2 & 9, 2005


Featured Artist: Comedian Joey Callahan

My usual mantra -- the internet is amazing. I "met" Joey Callahan well over 10 years ago before the internet was considered the "super highway," and there were, in its place, bulletin boards organized by individual companies. Prodigy introduced us, through their "Comedy" bulletin board. Joey has since gone on to enjoy wonderful successes, and the internet has reintroduced us. Now it's your turn to learn about this very creative artist -- and oh-so-funny man.

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Learning The Language of the Internet:, Maria Marsala

Maybe you're new to computers. Maybe you're new to using an Instant Message program. Maybe you're wondering what your children are saying online. But it's all written in some weird looking code!

Well, the code are acronyms and this article will help you get started learning the language of the Internet. It's a list of the most commonly used acronyms. With special thanks to Lynn, (a client), who reviewed my list and added a bunch of acronyms that were new to me!

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Celery Lowers Blood Pressure, Marilyn Pokorney

Eating celery regularly can control high blood pressure without the use of drugs according to China's Hunan Hemotological Research Center.

Celery contains a naturally occurring chemical called "apigenin" which has been shown to dilate the blood vessels and contribute to preventing high blood pressure. Celery also contains very small amounts of a chemical in called 3-n-butylphtalide (3nb) which lowers blood pressure by relaxing the smooth muscles that line the blood vessels. 3nb also lowers the level of stress hormones called catacholamines.

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Help For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dr. Rita Louise

In the past, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was referred to as the "yuppie flue" because when it was first identified, most of its victims were well educated professionals in their 20's - 40's. Today, doctors still argue as to whether the disorder even exists, but those who suffer from it know it does.

Some health experts believe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, bronchitis, mononucleosis or hepatitis that goes "underground" and zaps the body of all its resources. Others say that it starts after a period of intense stress, while others believe chronic fatigue is a disease of lifestyle - were we have mismanaged our personal energy resources. And while there are a number of theories as to the origin
of this disorder, to date, there is no clear cut definitive cause.

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Creativity: The Key To Getting More Done In Less, Avish Parashar

If your to-do list seems as long at the end of the day as it did at the start (or worse yet, longer!) then you could definitely use an injection of creativity in your work day.

Here are five simple ways of using your creativity to improve the quality of your day:

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Editor's Note:
his issue's theme: Are you doing what you want to do with your life?
Really . . . think about it. If not -- it's time to make a change.

Are You In The Wrong Job?, Deborah Brown-Volkman

Are you happy when you come to work in the morning, or happy when it is time to go home? Do you look forward to Friday, and then get knots in your stomach on Sunday evenings? If this is the case, there is probably nothing wrong with you physically. You may be in the wrong job.

Most people view their lives as being separate parts: work life/social life/home life. Your life has many components, but when you are in the wrong job, the rest of your life is out of balance too.

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Taking Care of Yourself, Lael Johnson

The essence of self-care, is to take daily care of yourself in a regular and consistent manner. It's about doing the stuff that our parents or guardians did their best to teach us when we were much younger. Good self-care allows you to put yourself at the top of your day, makes your more ready to face your day, your plans and life's unexpected moments.

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Living a Life of Constant Total Amazement, Dave Cole

In the movie, Joe vs the Volcano, Joe Banks played by Tom Hanks is a loser. His life is despicable and the news is: Joe is selling his soul to his boss for a measly 300 bucks a week.

Joe is also a hypochondriac which leads him to a doctor that tells Joe he has a terminal brain cloud and only a few months to live.

So this is the wake up call Joe needs to start living. He quits his job then runs into an eccentric billionaire played by Lloyd Bridges who promises to give Joe the lifestyle of a king if he will end up jumping into a volcano.

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The Five C's to Building a Career You Will Love, Dave Lindbeck

If you have clarity about what you want and need in your life, you are more likely to get it. This is as true for your career as it is for other things in your life. However, most people spend more time researching and evaluating a car purchase, than they do on that very important thing in life - a career.

When it comes to your "life's work," you can significantly increase the odds of building a career you will love by taking a few simple factors into account. These include being clear about what you want to do, where and with whom you want to do it, and what you want to get out of it as well as what you are willing to give up in return. However, this is not the way most people approach their career.

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Blogs and RSS: Boost Your Online Business, Rankings, Traffic and Sales, Ranking, Richard Weberg

A very popular method of marketing ezines and newsletters is by making them viral. If your newsletter contains information of value, such as tips, hints, news or tutorials, you'll find that subscribers will forward it on to others.

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A Sensible Way to Use PR, Robert A. Kelly

The most sensible way for business, non-profit or association managers to use public relations is to strive to alter individual perception among their target publics, which leads to changed behaviors, thus helping achieve their managerial objectives.

In so doing, managers employ their public relations resources to do something positive about the behaviors of those important external audiences of theirs that MOST affect their operations.

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Meet Linda Alexander

Multi-cultural Linda Alexander has lupus. She has written about porn stars, Messianic Jews, and novels of good and evil, and appeared on the Oprah show. Her print credits -- newspapers, magazines, and newsletters -- include The Washington Times and Soap Opera Update, and interviews with Jim Varney, Robert Stack, Linda Dano, Michael Zaslow, Gary Puckett, and Tiny Tim. In Linda's personal and business worlds, anything can happen. It does, and she writes about it. Website:

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Ezine Issue June 27, 2005


A Cousin of Hemingway, Rose Now Puts Her Pen To The Page - Toni Hull, National Marketing Director, Epic Books

A few years ago when Chicago born author, Sarah Elizabeth Rose, learned that she shared a common ancestor with Ernest Hemingway, and that she also
shared common ancestors with Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Laura Elizabeth Ingalls, and Jane Austen, she finally understood why she had always felt a tremendous urge to write.

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Need a Great Idea? Feed Your Brain, Michele Pariza Wacek

A lot of great ideas happen when two or more other ideas collide to form something completely new.

Think of this like those old chemistry movies we used to watch in school. You had all of those atoms floating around and when two collided -- bam! A chemical reaction. Maybe something new was created. Maybe something
exploded. Or maybe it all fizzled out and nothing happened.

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Be Careful What You Write, Bill Willard

A small-business owner is someone who runs his own company, but a small business owner is always a shrimp!

Along with incredible conveniences, email communications come with a major pitfall: People are getting careless about their writing. Is this the end of the world? No. In casual communication, a few misspellings and grammatical gaffes are no big deal.

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"Search Engines: Desktops Wanted", Merle

Search engines are no longer content with being contained to the web. They want your desktop, too. If you've always wanted the power of a search engine inside your computer, desktop search applications were made just for you.

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The Search for God's Intention, Joseph Ghabi

I believe in the source we refer to as 'God.' This is the powerful Universal Energy from which all that is manifests. This energy is always there and is available to all. My God is the same as your God and everybody else's God. However, we still try to categorize and define that energy in different ways, depending upon our belief system and religious orientation.

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Editor's Note:
Theme this issue -- Don't miss out on the chance to use ingenuity to enhance profit AND visibility . . . which usually enhances profit!

Make Money Tearing Up Old Books, Avril Harper

For the past few years I've been tearing up old books and magazines, and selling them on eBay. Other people's "rubbish" is earning me $20 a time - sometimes a great deal more - every single day!

It's an easy business and items other people throw away can attract fierce bidding and incredible profits for me and other lucky sellers.

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How To Legally and Ethically Steal Million-Dollar, Dan Lok

It was hard enough to invent the wheel, so why would you want to try and
re-invent it?

Some companies spend thousands of dollars in market research and development
trying to figure out the best way to reach their market.

They've come up with killer concepts and can't-miss techniques.

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Create Your Vision of Success, Kathleen Gage

Most marketing strategies are about being in motion. Have a plan, be proactive, and take the necessary action steps. Although being proactive is a necessary aspect of marketing, an often overlooked and yet equally important part is your company's internal perception.

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Does Your Small Business Marketing Suffer From The, Jennifer McCay

If you're an entrepreneur responsible for your own small business marketing, there's a marketing method you should avoid at all costs, which I've coined the bulldog effect for reasons you will understand shortly. Keep reading to find out if you're guilty of using this technique in your own marketing and learn how to fix it.

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Ezine As A Viral Marketing Tool, Douglas Peirseille

A very popular method of marketing ezines and newsletters is by making them viral. If your newsletter contains information of value, such as tips, hints, news or tutorials, you'll find that subscribers will forward it on to others.

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Meet Linda Alexander

Multi-cultural Linda Alexander has lupus. She has written about porn stars, Messianic Jews, and novels of good and evil, and appeared on the Oprah show. Her print credits -- newspapers, magazines, and newsletters -- include The Washington Times and Soap Opera Update, and interviews with Jim Varney, Robert Stack, Linda Dano, Michael Zaslow, Gary Puckett, and Tiny Tim. In Linda's personal and business worlds, anything can happen. It does, and she writes about it. Website:

Monday, June 20, 2005

Ezine Issue June 20, 2005


Happy Birthday Cindy aka funfrenchfyp !

Deanna, our mod for the Medical and Health Related Discussion board, has been posting some useful links for anyone interested in learning more about health and wellness.

General Chit Chat seems to have a life of its own with continued zany-ness happening daily with our games and polls.

We finally have all winners posted to the Summer Sails Event and will be contacting the winners for feedback soon.

Our thanks again to all the vendors and attendees.

Company Spotlight: Deanna Leis, Entrepreneur

I have three businesses. I sell AVON in Canada. I also represent Lovable Labels and Watkins. I should also say that I have been running a dayhome for the last ten years.

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Featured Artist: Terry Ray, Actor/Writer

I make some wonderful friends via e-mail, many through writing contacts. Such is the case with the talented and delightfully funny Terry Ray, co-writer and star of GAYDAR, a new short film. If you enjoy an irreverent, slightly satirical sense of humor, check out Terry Ray's work. You'll have a blast! -Editor

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Do You Love Food? - Then Maybe Opening a Restaurant is Not Such a Crazy Idea © Howard Schwartz

The restaurant industry in the United States employs an estimated 12.2 million people, making it the nation's largest employer outside of government agencies. This industry provides work for more than 9 percent of those employed in the United States.

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It's Time To Start That "Swipe" File © David B. Silva

Just as great fiction is an art, so is great copywriting. Beneath the art, however, there's a foundation of basic knowledge and skills. The craft that goes into your writing.

Craft comes first. Art follows.

You learn the craft of writing by educating yourself, by the actual process of writing (the doing), and by reading incessantly. Every successful writer will tell you that reading has been and still is the cornerstone of developing his craft.

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The Process of 'Vivid Thinking' Which Makes Success Certain! - Part 1 © Jason Katzenback

Some principles are so simple that we often overlook their significance. For instance, success is lack of failure; each failure is due to some mistake; each mistake in action originates in some mistake in thinking. To change from failure to success, it is necessary to develop those processes of thought which prevent mistakes, and which lead to success.

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Editor's Note: This Issue's Theme- Take care of yourself as well as your business. If both are healthy, they'll both do you well in years to come.

Celebrate Me Home, Linda Alexander

What is this concept of "home?"

It's a relatively "normal" flight from Baltimore, in the area, generally, where I've lived for over 40 years, to New Orleans, where I've never physically lived . . . though I've visited many, many times. The plane lands at Louis Armstrong International Airport and taxies to the terminal, and I smile and exhale. We, hubby and I, wait our turn to de-board. We enter that now oh-so-familiar terminal, with its decidedly New Orleans feel and an ever-present aroma something akin to bourbon and beignets, at any time of day.

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The Cause for Clear, Susan Raab

Have you ever been in a situation where you needed an urgent technical
explanation? It happened to three blondes.

They were taking a walk in the country when they came upon a line of tracks. The first blonde said, "Those must be deer tracks!" The second blonde said, "No, silly, anyone can tell those are rabbit tracks!" The third blonde said, "No my friends, those are horse tracks!" They were still arguing ten minutes later when a train hit them.

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How to Save Money for Retirement, Marilyn Pokorney

Saving money for retirement can be easy or difficult depending on your current salary. If you are like 75 percent of the American population, earning just enough money in your current job to meet your monthly bills, then it's time to do some serious thinking on how you are going to live when you retire.

Social Security isn't going to meet all your monthly payments. That is, if Social Security, or some revised form of it, still exists when your day of retirement arrives.

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The Five C's to Building a Career You Will Love, Dave Lindbeck

If you have clarity about what you want and need in your life, you are more likely to get it. This is as true for your career as it is for other things in your life. However, most people spend more time researching and evaluating a car purchase, than they do on that very important thing in life - a career.

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Promotional Products as Sales Incentives, Seth Mellin

Promotional products have been around for many years and have a wide array of uses. From pens to key chains, magnets to calendars, businesses are now turning everything they can into a promotional product.

Consider using higher end promotional products as incentives that can in turn help you promote your business.

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Meet Linda Alexander

Multi-cultural Linda Alexander has lupus. She has written about porn stars, Messianic Jews, and novels of good and evil, and appeared on the Oprah show. Her print credits -- newspapers, magazines, and newsletters -- include The Washington Times and Soap Opera Update, and interviews with Jim Varney, Robert Stack, Linda Dano, Michael Zaslow, Gary Puckett, and Tiny Tim. In Linda's personal and business worlds, anything can happen. It does, and she writes about it. Website: